Welcome to Glam Girl Gabi!

Welcome to Glam Girl Gabi, the ultimate destination for all things beauty! I am Gabi, a professional makeup and hair artist with over two decades of experience. I created this channel years ago with the goal of empowering you to feel like the best version of yourself, regardless of your age or where you come from. Every week, I share special makeup and hair tricks and techniques that will elevate your look from the comfort of your own home and leave you feeling fabulous every step of the way. And because inclusivity is at the heart of what I do, you can find translations for the videos in 60 different languages, as well as enjoy dubbed versions in French, Portuguese, and Spanish. Drop me a comment below in your native language to let me know where you’re tuning in from. Thank you so much for subscribing and supporting me, as you are an integral part of the Glam Fam. I hope you feel beautiful today.

Welcome to Glam Girl Gabi, the ultimate destination for all things beauty! I am Gabi, a professional makeup and hair artist with over two decades of experience. I created this channel years ago with the goal of empowering you to feel like the best version of yourself, regardless of your age or where you come from. Every week, I share special makeup and hair tricks and techniques that will elevate your look from the comfort of your own home and leave you feeling fabulous every step of the way. And because inclusivity is at the heart of what I do, you can find translations for the videos in 60 different languages, as well as enjoy dubbed versions in French, Portuguese, and Spanish. Drop me a comment below in your native language to let me know where you’re tuning in from. Thank you so much for subscribing and supporting me, as you are an integral part of the Glam Fam. I hope you feel beautiful today.

About Glam Girl Gabi

Welcome to Glam Girl Gabi! This channel is dedicated to celebrating beauty at any age and embracing diversity. My name is Gabi, and I’m a makeup and hair artist with over two decades of experience. I created this channel years ago to empower you to be the best version of yourself, regardless of your age or background.

Every week, I share makeup and hair tricks and techniques that will help you enhance your appearance from the comfort of your own home. My goal is to make you feel confident and beautiful every step of the way. By prioritizing inclusivity, you can find translations of the videos in 60 different languages, and you can watch dubbed videos in French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

I invite you to leave a comment in your native language below to let me know where you’re watching from. Thank you so much for subscribing and supporting me. You are a valued member of the Glam Fam, and I hope you feel beautiful today.

Weekly Makeup and Hair Tips

In this segment, I will be sharing weekly makeup and hair tips that you can easily incorporate into your routine. Whether you’re a beginner or a makeup enthusiast, there’s always something new to learn.

I believe that makeup and hair should be accessible to everyone, and that’s why I focus on providing tips that can be easily done from home. From Quick and Easy everyday looks to more glamorous styles for special occasions, I’ll guide you through the process step-by-step. My aim is to help you feel confident and beautiful no matter the occasion.

Welcome to Glam Girl Gabi!

Makeup and Hair Tutorials

If you’re looking for more in-depth guidance on specific makeup looks or hairstyles, this section is for you. I will be providing detailed step-by-step guides that will help you recreate various looks.

From natural and fresh-faced makeup to bold and dramatic evening looks, I’ve got you covered. Additionally, I’ll be incorporating new trends and showing you how to adapt different styles for different occasions. Whether you’re attending a wedding or a formal event, you’ll find the perfect tutorial to suit your needs.

Product Reviews and Recommendations

With the overwhelming number of makeup and hair products on the market, it can be challenging to know which ones are worth investing in. In this section, I will be reviewing different products and sharing my personal favorites.

I believe in providing honest feedback, so you can expect unbiased reviews that take into account performance, quality, and value for money. Additionally, I’ll be suggesting products for specific needs, such as long-lasting foundations for oily skin or volumizing mascaras for thin lashes. My goal is to help you make informed decisions and find the right products for your individual needs.

Welcome to Glam Girl Gabi!

Beauty Tips and Hacks

We all have busy lives, and sometimes we need shortcuts and time-saving techniques to help us look our best. In this section, I’ll be sharing some of my favorite beauty tips and hacks that you can easily incorporate into your routine.

From maximizing the use of products to creating DIY beauty remedies, I’ll provide you with practical solutions for common beauty problems. Whether you need a quick fix for a chipped nail or a refreshing face mask recipe, you’ll find a variety of tips and hacks to make your beauty routine more efficient.

Fashion and Style Advice

Beauty goes beyond makeup and hair. It’s also about embracing your personal style and feeling confident in what you wear. In this section, I’ll be providing fashion and style advice to help you create stylish outfits that reflect your personality.

From accessorizing and matching different pieces to exploring the latest fashion trends, I’ll guide you on how to put together looks that make you feel fabulous. Additionally, I’ll be emphasizing body positivity, because no matter your shape or size, you deserve to feel beautiful and stylish.

Welcome to Glam Girl Gabi!

Skincare and Self-Care Tips

Healthy skin is the foundation of a beautiful appearance. In this section, I’ll be emphasizing the importance of a skincare routine and providing recommendations for skincare products that have worked for me.

I’ll guide you through the steps of a basic skincare routine, including cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Additionally, I’ll share self-care practices that promote relaxation and help maintain healthy skin. Taking care of yourself is essential, and I want to help you prioritize your well-being.

Q&A Sessions

I want to make sure that I address all of your beauty concerns and provide personalized advice. In this section, I’ll be answering questions from the audience and offering guidance based on your specific needs.

Whether you’re struggling with a particular makeup technique or need recommendations for skincare products, I’m here to help. I value your input and want to create a community where we can learn from each other. So, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me anything you’d like to know.

Collaborations and Guest Appearances

In order to provide you with a diverse range of perspectives and ideas, I’ll be collaborating with guest experts and other content creators.

This section will feature guest experts in makeup, hair, skincare, and fashion, who will bring their knowledge and expertise to the channel. Additionally, I’ll be collaborating with other content creators to showcase different styles and approaches to beauty. By embracing collaboration, we can learn from each other and expand our beauty horizons.


I hope this comprehensive article has given you an overview of what to expect from Glam Girl Gabi. My purpose is to inspire you to feel beautiful, confident, and comfortable in your own skin.

I’m truly grateful for your support and for being a part of the Glam Fam. Remember to leave a comment in your native language below and let me know where you’re watching from. Thank you for subscribing and joining me on this journey. I hope you continue to feel beautiful every day.

Welcome to Glam Girl Gabi! This is a channel where we embrace beauty, regardless of your age or origin. Feel free to leave me a comment in your native language!

Let’s Connect:

